CATALYSTS – Somatic Resonance is an installation exhibition of somatic states from the work of Icelandic choreographer Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir. The exhibition is a choreography of mixed reality technologies, kinaesthetic algorithms, affects, archival material and...
The residency has been funded by the European Regional Development Fund through Wisdome Innovation and is a collaboration between Malmö Museums, Lund University’s Inter Arts Center (IAC) and ESS. As a result of an international open call, seven artists working...
The ultimate challenge, battle royale, clash of the titans, history in the making. Finally, a battle the likes of which we’ve never seen before, from this very stadium. Get conformable. Make yourself at home. Sit back and watch the sparks fly. Bespoke creation for...
Two strangers are thrown together amidst the chaos of the festival and get to live a lifetime together…in 45 minutes. Perfect for anyone with commitment issues.Together, they’re invited to participate in an adventure curated by their very own life experiences –...
a show regarding self->re:construction and organised divergence “->” as implication, or input, or insertion, or function. Bouncing between self->re:fracture to self->production through self chatter, self image and routing the Flow....
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