The residency has been funded by the European Regional Development Fund through Wisdome Innovation and is a collaboration between Malmö Museums, Lund University’s Inter Arts Center (IAC) and ESS.
As a result of an international open call, seven artists working within performance, video and sound were matched with engineers, biologists and physicists at ESS, and held digital conversations during the autumn. This week, the Inter Arts Center in Malmö is hosting an exhibition to present the different artistic outputs that came out of these conversational collaborations.
Between summer 2021 and spring 2022, ESS held a remote artist residency called Nanocosmic Investigations – Artists in Conversation with ESS. The residency was funded by the European Regional Development Fund through Wisdome Innovation and was a collaboration between Malmö Museums, Lund University’s Inter Arts Center (IAC) and European Spallation Source ERIC, ESS.
As a result of an international open call, seven artists working within performance, video and sound were matched with engineers, biologists and physicists at ESS, and held digital conversations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch this short film, put together by one of the artists, showing the artworks that came out of the project, which were showcased at the Inter Arts Center in Malmö, Sweden in April 2022
The artistic residency and collaboration between media artist and researcher of Screendance Jeannette Ginslov, AR/VR media artist Keith Lim, and Nuclear Physicist Emil Rofors, intended to discover how bodies, visualising techniques and visual media may be re-imagined, re-visualised and re-embodied, by exploring small-angle neutron scattering (SANS)
The residency has been funded by the European Regional Development Fund through Wisdome Innovation and is a collaboration between Malmö Museums, Lund University’s Inter Arts Center (IAC) and ESS.